Tracy Infant Center » Teen Parent Program

Teen Parent Program

Still a teen and expecting a baby or already have one?

How can you handle pregnancy, a baby, and school?

Nationwide less than half of the women who give birth under age 18 graduate from high school, but most of the students who receive the support and services of our program graduate.

Many of the teens that become pregnant have not been very successful in school. We have found that pregnancy and parenting often helps students focus on their baby's future and come to school with increased dedication and interest.

Let's talk about all of the possibilities:

  • Pregnancy Choices
  • Staying at your home school
  • Attending Tracy H.S.
  • Independent Study
  • Work/Study Program, etc.
  • If you like, we can visit you in your school
  • and answer your questions.
  • Or, you can come and visit our
  • Specialized classes at Tracy H.S.


For more details contact your school counselor or call us at (562) 926-7136

We respect your right to privacy and all calls will be handled in a confidential manner.