Tracy Infant Center » Infant and Toddler Care Information

Infant and Toddler Care Information

The Tracy Infant Center is funded through the State of California in cooperation with ABC Unified School District. The program provides developmental care for children ages 2 months to 36 months of age from low - income families that meet the eligibility requirements. In an effort to provide a high quality program the California Department of Education and the Child Development Department establish the guidelines for service eligibility. 

Families enrolled at the Tracy Infant Center must qualify for enrollment based on state guidelines and may be subject to a family fee which is assessed at the time of enrollment and has been set in accordance with state regulations.  Fees are calculated on a sliding scale based on the gross monthly family income and family size. All family fees are paid monthly and are due prior to the start of services.

To determine if a family meets the guidelines to participate in a program the following documents must be presented to staff for review:


  • One month’s proof of income (Check Stubs, Child Support, CalWorks statement etc.)
  • Proof of Residency in the form of a utility bill (gas, electric, water, and trash only)
  • Birth Certificate for applicant and all other children in the same family
  • Immunization Record


To be considered for the Tracy Infant Center program, which is based on income, parent(s) must be employed, be a student, or be incapacitated. In addition to the above documentation the supporting documents to reflect this additional need will be required.