Frequently Asked Questions
Who may enroll in T.P.P.?
The Teen Parent Program is for expectant fathers and mothers and students who are parents attending school in the ABC Unified School District. (Students may also seek a transfer from surrounding school districts.)
Do I have to attend Tracy High School?
No. No one is sent to the Teen Parent Program at Tracy HS. It is voluntary. You may continue attending your regular school throughout your pregnancy. Please contact us to receive extra services at your school.
Will the credit I earn at the Tracy Teen Parent Program count toward my high school graduation/credit?
Yes. Students are enrolled earn credit towards graduation in academic and elective classes, including prenatal health or parenting.
What are the advantages of being in the Teen Parent Program at Tracy?
It is often difficult to keep up with academic classes and with regular P.E. during pregnancy and while caring for your new baby. You may have to miss school for doctor's appointments or a sick baby. Also, you will miss about four weeks of school when you deliver. Our program is set up to help you earn high school credits while coping with the special needs of pregnancy and parenting. Specialized classes and services are offered at this site that are not available at your home school. The school day is much shorter until your baby is enrolled in the Infant Center. The classes at Tracy are smaller, less difficult, and there is very little homework.
For what other reasons might I want to transfer to Tracy TPP?
There are far more services and help available to you at Tracy. You will also probably find that your focus is changing. You may feel awkward around your classmates and find it more comfortable being with other teens in your same situation who understand your concerns and goals. Most students become concerned about their baby and think more about the future.
How long can I stay at the Tracy Teen Parent Program? (TPP)
You are eligible to stay in the Teen Parent Program until you are age 20. You may however return to your regular school at any time (if you have the proper class credits) during your regular 4 years of high school or before your 19th birthday. Most TPP students choose to stay at Tracy High School to be closer to their babies that are enrolled in our Infant Center. The program and staff will continue assistance until you graduate.
Bus transportation is provided for most our students living in the ABC Unified School District.
What about food? I get so hungry now that I'm pregnant!
Most students qualify for free breakfast and lunch. All pregnant and lactating students are given a free snack each day. If you prefer, you may bring your own food. We have a small kitchen in our classroom with a refrigerator, stove and a microwave that our Teen Parents can use.
What about using the bathroom?
We have a bathroom in our class for our students' use.
What does it cost?
The Teen Parent Program is part of the public education system and services are FREE.
May I visit the Tracy Teen Parent Program before I decide whether or not to enroll?
You are welcome to visit. Bring your family, boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife along if you like. Please call to let us know you are coming so that we can assure you that someone will be here to answer any questions you may have.
How do I enroll?
If you are under 18, please call (562) 926-7136 to schedule an appointment for orientation so that your parent or guardian can sign the admission forms. If you are 18 years old or are married, you may sign these forms yourself.
When may I enroll?
You may enroll at any time during the school year. The credit you have already earned in your classes will be transferred to TPP where you will complete these courses without losing credit.
Can I go back to my home school if I wish?
Most likely. If your credits are up to date you may return to your home school at the semester or at the end of the school year if you would like to continue your education there.
Can I graduate from my home school?
If you have received the majority of your credits from your home school (Artesia, Gahr, Cerritos, Whitney), were not sent to Tracy for lack of credits or discipline problems, and have completed all of their requirements, you may graduate from your home school. You can participate in other graduation activities too (prom, senior breakfast, etc.)
Can I stay at my home school and get some assistance?
Yes. For most students the specialized classes and services at Tracy are best. But, if you want or need to stay at your home school, one of our staff members will meet with you to help support you during this special time in your life.
How long can my baby be in the Infant Center and what does it cost?
Babies may stay in the Tracy Infant Center from 2 months of age until they are 3 years old as long as the student is going to school or working. It is free for most students.